Kings & Queens
Childcare Center
"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge". Albert Einstein
Meal Program - (Nutrition is our Mission)
As part of The First Lady Michelle Obama Healthier School Challenge, Kings & Queens Childcare Center follows the guidelines of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). We provide nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children. By serving only healthy foods, encouraging opportunities for physical activity, and nutrition education we have transformed our environment into a place where healthy eating and physical activity are experienced and learned. We are continuously working hard to do our very best work in keeping our children healthy.
Infant Program - Classroom (Camelot)
Our Me & My Needs program reassures your little one that we are at their beck and call ready to respond to any form of their communication. We believe that one caregiver for the first three years provides a secure environment with a homelike feel. We encourage and build knowledge through experiences of exploration. We know you want to be there to observe the rapid development of your little one so we provide photographs of our many adventures and activities to ensure you are right there up close experiencing the first events with us. Our teachers and staff believe it’s not only important to observe children carefully, but to also share in activities with them. Our individualized infant schedules are child centered according to infants feeding and sleeping patterns. Our classrooms are designed to cater to a fun, learning atmosphere that arouses curiosity.
Toddler Program - Classroom (Buckingham Palace)
We understand how important the early years are to both you and your child. This is a time of remarkable growth, when children are experiencing rapid development, learning new skills, and progressing steadily towards physical, intellectual, and social-emotional milestones. Our program, Discovering the World Around Me provides intentional guidance and rich experiences that build upon individual strengths and talents. With our child development professionals at their sides, children at Bright Horizons are assured of getting the care that they need, the creative learning experiences they enjoy, and the intellectually challenging opportunities they deserve.
Twilight Program - Classroom (Knights Kingdom)
Our overnight program is available for parents that work non-traditional hours from 7p.m. throughout the night. Your child will enjoy a blissful sleep in one our comfortable beds of their choosing. Our childcare services professionals have a wealth of experience and knowledge. Our qualified staff routinely monitors children throughout the night at Kings & Queens Childcare Center. Even though we assist with homework, parents are still responsible for final checking.